Western CoC

2020 Western CoC Youth PIT Count

One by One: Western PA CoC Youth Count 2020

Join the One By One Western PA Continuum of Care in our first Youth Count to help identify youth experiencing homelessness or unstable housing in Western PA.

Youth homelessness is often hidden. Join a community-wide effort to better identify youth experiencing homelessness and advocate for more resources!

The Youth Count has been postponed until the Fall of 2020. Once a new date is identified, updated information will be posted here. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to date; we hope you will remain interested, engaged and committed to the Youth Count. We will be in touch over the coming months as we update plans related to the Youth Count.  Questions: Contact Ciarra Karnes at westernpa@dma-housing.com

Youth Count outreach activities will be broken out into four regions – see map below. Although all counties are encouraged to participate, the CoC is targeting counties that have reported higher numbers of youth experiencing homelessness and housing instability, including: Butler, Clearfield, Crawford, Fayette, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Venango, Washington & Westmoreland.

You Can Help!

  • Volunteer on the days of the Count
  • Donate sleeping bags, tents, gift cards or nonperishable food items
  • Raise awareness of the realities of youth homelessness in your community


  • Presentation on youth homelessness and the Youth Count from the Western PA CoC Meeting held on October 16, 2019 – click here

For more info or to get involved:

Contact CoC staff person Ciarra Karnes
Phone: 724-674-9905; Email: westernpa@dma-housing.com