Eastern CoC

Eastern CoC Governing Board

The Eastern PA CoC assumes and carries out its duties of governance as detailed by federal and state mandates and guidelines. In implementing these duties, the CoC generally relies on standards, policies and procedures, and ongoing amendments thereof, which have been developed in consultation with the Continuum membership, and the Collaborative Applicant (DCED), and subsequently ratified by the Eastern PA CoC Board.

Board Composition

The Eastern PA CoC has thirteen (13) Directors, collectively known as the Board of Directors and acts on behalf of the CoC. Each of the five RHABS appoints two (2) members to serve on the Board. The remaining three (3) Board members consists of: one (1) representative appointed by the Collaborative Applicant; one (1) homeless or formerly homeless individual and one (1) at large member, the latter two members both elected by majority vote of the Board. To the extent possible, Board composition is representative of the organizations comprising the Continuum.

Board Officers

The Board has five (5) officers: President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. Board officers are elected by a simple majority of the Board Members. Officers serve one year terms, commencing July 1 of each year, and may not exceed three consecutive terms.

  • President: Alisa Baratta
    The President presides at all organization meetings and shall be the chief executive officer of the CoC. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Vice-President: Randi Bannon
    The Vice-President presides at all CoC meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Secretary: Tiffany Jones
    The Secretary is responsible for the notification of meetings, minutes of meetings and correspondence of the CoC.
  • Treasurer: Andrea Kehler Herb
    The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the CoC, including invoicing for annual membership fees and provides monthly financial reports to the organization.