Eastern CoC
Eastern PA CoC FY2022 Special NOFO - Rural Homelessness
The CoC hosted a Special NOFO Rural Set Aside Office Hours Session on Friday, August 19th from 10am-11am to provide a high-level overview of the Special NOFO Rural Set Aside RFP and to answer questions about the RFP. Materials from the session can be found below:
Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/-ZSjxSdEioQnuM8lugG8BslyUZLMKu58c-0DCojA6hheZm2d-9YqjLuABRpzyFBT.D9LL-WQvwe2HudFi
Access Passcode: dFXU!2Zc
Special NOFO Rural Homelessness Set Aside RFP information can be found here (deadline 9/13): https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/coc-releases-consolidated-rfp-package-which-includes-3-rfps-new-funding