Eastern PA CoC Governance Charter Updates Open for Comment
Posted by Brendan Auman
HUD’s CoC Interim Rule, under section § 578.7 Responsibilities of the Continuum of Care, requires the CoC to annually update the CoC’s Governance Charter.
The Governance Committee has reviewed and updated the Charter and is publishing the draft version to the CoC for review and comment. You can view the proposed draft charter here.
Please review the document and send any comments, questions, or concerns to the CoC’s email address at easterncoc@pennsylvaniacoc.org by April 6, 2020 at 5 p.m.
The final vote to approve the Charter will take place at our next General Membership meeting which is currently scheduled to take place on April 20, 2020. Please note that the CoC’s Governing Board will be meeting on March 19th to determine if this meeting will be postponed or only occur via teleconference. More information will be provided as details are finalized.