ESG-CV Round 2 (Extended)-Application Availability
ESG-CV Round 2 (Extended)-Application Availability
ESG-CV Program
April 20, 2021
ESG-CV Round 2 applications due June 4, 2021.
The Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) has received the second allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant program funds appropriated under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) - ESG-CV. The award in the amount of $19,930,907 was based on a new HUD formula accounting for variables that quantify the population currently experiencing and at risk of homelessness such as total homeless population, unsheltered homeless population, total very low income (VLI) renters, VLI renters that are overcrowded or without a kitchen or plumbing.
DCED allocated $2,997,961 of the second round of ESG CV funds to a Code Blue program to provide winter sheltering during the 2020-2021 season. Applications for the ESG CV 2 funds that were accepted in February of this year have been reviewed and awards have been made, however it was undersubscribed. Therefore, DCED has over $3.5 million available and will be reopening the application.
DCED’s priority for the use of these ESG funds will be to assist homeless providers and communities as they prepare for, prevent the spread of and respond to the coronavirus among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. DCED will award ESG-CV funding to support applicants who will work to end or prevent homelessness quickly and as efficiently as possible for all vulnerable populations.
In addition, priority will be given to applicants who have assessed and increased equity by expanding their sub-recipient portfolio to identify and include providers to act as sub-recipients that are led by and specifically serve communities that have been underrepresented and poorly served. Sub-recipients that are located in or deeply connected to areas with significant populations of targeted racial or ethnic groups are preferred.
DCED intends to make grants of $25,000 or more for any single activity or combination of ESG-CV activities as outlined below:
Emergency Shelter
Temporary Emergency Shelter
Rapid Rehousing
Homelessness Prevention
Landlord Incentives
Street Outreach
Hazard Pay
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
Please be advised of the following flexibilities with ESG CV 2:
- Direct Entitlement Communities may apply for any ESG CV eligible activities
- Redevelopment Authorities and Public Housing Agencies may apply directly to DCED for funds
The Emergency Solutions Grant – CARES (ESG-CV) Application and Guidelines are available for review at Applicants should read the guidelines before starting an application.
An application webinar that was conducted in January can also be found at the link above. The content of this Powerpoint is still applicable with the exception of the amount of funds available and any deadlines posted.
Applications will be accepted using the DCED Electronic Single Application through 4:00 pm EST on June 4, 2021.
No application submitted after this time will be considered for funding. Competitive applications for funding will only be accepted through the DCED Electronic Single Application (ESA). All forms and required addenda can be found in ESA and must be submitted there.
Please be sure to download applicable forms from ESA as forms from prior application toolkits will not be accepted.
Please contact Stacy Hawthorne at if you need assistance.