Western CoC

Western CoC Written Standards Input Survey

The Western Pa CoC Written Standards Committee is in the process of updating the CoC’s Written Standards for Providing Assistance.

The Written Standards provide guidance for CoC and ESG program types (Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Supportive Services Only (including Coordinated Entry), Street Outreach, Homeless Prevention) related to service delivery, to ensure that all programs are operating in a consistent, coordinated way that is compliant with HUD and CoC standards. Please note that the Written Standards are different from the Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures. The CoC has undergone a number of changes and transitions since the Written Standards were released in March 2019, and it is important that the Written Standards are updated regularly to reflect current CoC policies/practices, as well as updated with current best practices.

We are seeking your input to ensure that the Written Standards provide clear guidance on operating CoC and ESG programs within the Western PA CoC. We have requested input at the most recent Southwest RHAB and Northwest Housing Collaborative meetings, and are now distributing a survey to solicit additional input.

Click Here to Access Survey

We are specifically seeking input from:

  • CoC and ESG funded Rapid Rehousing providers

  • CoC funded Permanent Supportive Housing providers

  • ESG funded Emergency Shelter providers

  • CoC funded Transitional Housing or TH-RRH providers

  • Coordinated Entry Assessment Center staff

  • ESG Funded Homelessness Prevention providers

  • ESG or CoC funded Street Outreach providers

You are welcome to submit input even if you do not operate one of the above program types. We would like to hear input from staff working in all roles within organizations (direct service staff, program managers, executive directors), to ensure we have a wide variety of input.

If you have any questions you can reach out to: westerncoc@pennsylvaniacoc.org

Please respond to the survey by Friday, November 27th.

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