Western CoC

One By One: Western PA CoC Home4Good RFP 2021

The Western PA Continuum of Care is participating in the 2021 Home4Good funding opportunity. Home4Good is a collaborative initiative between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh (FHLBank Pittsburgh) and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) to provide grant funds to address systemic gaps in support and services to help make homelessness in the Commonwealth rare, brief and nonrecurring.

As a Continuum of Care participating in the Home4Good process, the Western PA CoC will be responsible to:

  • Market the Home4Good program;
  • Collect, review and rank proposals received from service providers; and
  • Submit a Home4Good application packet to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.  

In order to fulfill these requirements, please review the following documents:
(1)  Home4Good Request for Proposals;
(2)  PHFA Home4Good Webinar Powerpoint Slides;
(3)  Addendum to the RFP, which provides the Western PA CoC’s Home4Good priorities
(4)  2021 Home4Good Frequently Asked Questions


While all projects submitted will be reviewed, ranked, and submitted to PHFA, projects that are responsive to the CoC’s priorities will be given priority ranking. As described within the Addendum to the RFP, the Western PA CoC’s priorities include:

  • Housing for criminal justice population: Fayette County Community Action Agency. created the Regional Justice Involved Rapid Re-housing program  Based on the benefits seen to date, funding to support this program will remain a priority. 
  • Youth Action Board staff: The YAB has grown significantly and based on the impact the YAB has had on the region, the Board would like to create a part-time staff position to continue to support the development of the group. The CoC is looking for an agency to apply as a legal applicant and pass-through organization on behalf of the CoC. 
  • Housing diversion/prevention programs: The McKean County Redevelopment and Housing Authority created the Home Connections prevention/diversion regional program. The program has been successful, so funding to support this program will remain a priority.  
  • Youth Housing Initiative: Youth continue to be a priority population for the Board, as such, Home4Good priorities include funding for innovative youth housing programs to meet the needs of youth that cannot be served through CoC funding. 
  • Affordable Housing Development: Affordable housing development initiatives that are innovative, pilot projects which could be replicated in other areas throughout the region.  

Please review the above linked information as you consider applying for Home4Good funding.  Per the 2021 Home4Good RFP, project applications are due to the Western PA CoC by August 31st and should be submitted to westerncoc@pennsylvaniacoc.org.