Western CoC
Western PA CoC Startup Trainings 101 and 201
As a new member of the Continuum of Care (CoC) you may have a lot of questions about the history of how the CoC was formed, how the CoC operates, and what are some of the requirements of a CoC. To help new members understand the roles and responsibilities within the CoC's structure, the CoC consultant, DIana T. Myers and Associates, Inc. have put together a self-guided training module which provides information on what you need to know about the Western PA Continuum of Care. The training recordings are about 10-15 minutes each and can be access below along with the PowerPoints to each training.
West CoC 101 and CoC 201 Training Series:
- Training video series (all training videos can be accessed here): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCdXLwKU7oO5wDFM8n6X8H175DAUZOTof
- Western PA CoC Startup Training 101 PowerPoint
- Western PA CoC Startup Training 201 PowerPoint