Eastern and Western CoC

2025 Point in Time (PIT) Count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

2025 Point in Time (PIT) Count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC)


The 2025 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of individuals experiencing homelessness will occur on Wednesday, January 22, 2026.  The count will include all people residing in a homeless assistance program, and unsheltered persons, on Wednesday night (January 22nd) through Thursday morning (January 23rd).

All emergency shelters, domestic violence shelters, agencies that provide hotel/motel vouchers, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing, and other permanent housing programs are required to submit information for the PIT Count.

Training resources and other materials will be posted below as they become available.


SURVEY FORMS (Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Unsheltered):


Sheltered PIT Count Documents

Unsheltered PIT Count Documents


Instructions for Testing the PIT Mobile App:


PIT Count Coordinator Webinar 12/10/2024

The CoC presented on the 2025 PIT Count implementation for county unsheltered coordinators.