Western CoC

Western PA CoC - FY2021 NOFO New Project RFPs

The Western PA CoC is soliciting Preliminary Applications from agencies interested in applying for new projects as part of the FY21 CoC Competition. 

The projects selected through these RFP's will be submitted to HUD as part of the Western PA CoC's FY2021 Continuum of Care Application. Organizations may apply to any of the three RFP's. 

To apply, a Preliminary Application and a Proposed Budget must be submitted via Alchemer by Close of Business on Wednesday, October 13th.  The CoC will inform organizations responding to each RFP if their project was selected by October 21st. Application materials and Alchemer links can be found below:

The CoC hosted a webinar on September 15th with additional information about the FY21 CoC Competition, including information about the New Project RFP process. That information can be found on the CoC website on the CoC competition page under "Eastern/Western PA CoC FY2021 NOFO Training".

Please help the CoC reach stakeholders in your community by forwarding this email to organizations that may be interested in applying for funding through the Western PA CoC.  Thank you!

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