Western CoC

Western PA CoC Resources for YHDP RFP Applicants

The CoC will release a special YHDP Request for Proposals in late March 2022 for agencies wishing to apply for funds. The CoC encourages agencies that want to prepare for the YHDP RFP to review the resources below in advance of submitting a proposal. Potential applicants should be aware that the CoC will give priority to applicants that have engaged in the following activities:

  • Authentically engaged youth in your agency- or county-level planning process or on the CoC’s Youth Action Board (YAB).
  • Built relationships/partnerships with county/local/regional youth-serving agencies that include juvenile justice, mental health entities, children and youth services, drop-in centers, domestic violence agencies, housing agencies and educational institutions (early intervention, K-12, higher education, career and technical institutions).

Proposals should also meaningfully incorporate approaches such as Positive Youth Development (learn more: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/positive-youth-development) and Trauma-Informed Care (https://www.traumainformedcare.chcs.org/what-is-trauma-informed-care/) to be competitive for YHDP funding.


YHDP RFP Resources

The below resources are meant to help project applicants better understand the CoC, the needs of youth in our system and key concepts related to YHDP work. Please be sure to refer to the Western PA CoC YHDP RFP for details regarding the use of project funds and the types of projects the CoC is looking to fund.