Western PA COC YHDP Notice of Funding Opportunity - RFP
The Western PA Continuum of Care is seeking proposals from nonprofit service providers and governmental agencies to implement projects to serve unaccompanied homeless youth, and pregnant/parenting youth, age 24 and younger, in support of the Western PA CoC’s Coordinated Community Plan to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness, utilizing resources from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). Applications are requested from eligible organizations across the Western PA Continuum 1 of Care for seven (7) different project types, approved by the YHDP leadership team, to address a critical need for housing and supportive services for youth experiencing homelessness.
1. Joint Transitional and Rapid Rehousing
2. Coaching, Navigation, Outreach Response, Support Services
3. Diversion
4. Host Homes
5. Longer-term Rapid Rehousing
6. Permanent Supportive Housing
7. Coordinated Entry
You can view the full RFP here: WesternPARFPDraft.docx (mcusercontent.com) and attached as a PDF below.