Eastern PA CoC - FY24 CoC Competition RFP for New Projects
5 August 2024
Update 8/22/24: The CoC is publishing a revised DV Bonus RFP, with the updated DV Bonus amount from HUD. On 8/22/24, HUD published the official DV Bonus amount for which the CoC can apply. The CoC has revised the DV Bonus RFP with this information. Revised sections are highlighted in yellow within the RFP. The revised RFP can be accessed at the link below and on the CoC website:
In addition to traditional Rapid Re-Housing projects, the CoC is specifically soliciting applications for a Rapid Exit pilot project (maximum amount $300K). Please see RFP Appendix A for a full description of this pilot.
Supportive Services Only - Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE)
The projects selected through these RFP's will be submitted to HUD as part of the Eastern PA CoC's FY2024 Continuum of Care Application. Organizations may apply to any of the two RFP's.
To apply, a Preliminary Application and a Proposed Budget must be submitted via Alchemerby 12pm on Thursday, August 29th. Application materials and Alchemer links can be found below:
The CoC Funding Committee will use a new project scoring tool to evaluate new project applications. Blank copies of the scoring tools are linked below.
The CoC Funding Committee will use a new project scoring tool to evaluate new project applications. Blank copies of the scoring tools are linked below.
The CoC will host webinar on Tuesday, August 13th from 9am-11am to review the FY2024 CoC Competition NOFO for the Eastern and Western PA CoCs. We encourage anyone interested in applying for a new project to attend this webinar. You can register for the webinar here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqdOygrjkuG9RweubhOzuI3sxvEQSfb7cK.
Please help the CoC reach stakeholders in your community by forwarding this email to organizations that may be interested in applying for funding through the Eastern PA CoC. Thank you!
The Western PA CoC's Governance and Policy Committee is releasing its annual revisions to the CoC's Governance Charter for review. Below you will find...