Notification to the CoC of Renewal and New Project Selection -FY21 CoC NOFO
The below is an important notice regarding the FY 2021 CoC NOFO Competition.
This email summarizes the list of projects that have been accepted by the CoC and will be included in the Western PA CoC 2021 Project Priority List for funding. This includes renewal projects, renewal projects that have been partially reallocated and new projects that will be submitted. Also listed are the renewal projects that have been reallocated and applicants for new projects that were not accepted for inclusion in the CoC Application. Please note that all projects that are being fully or partially reallocated have been informed of the reallocation prior to the distribution of this email.
The following renewal projects have been accepted by the CoC and will be included in the Project Priority Listing submitted to HUD. Each of these projects will be submitted at the full Annual Renewal Amount, as indicated on the CoC’s 2021 Grant Inventory Worksheet. The list below includes agency name, project name, budget, and rank.
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0901-My First Place RRH, $203,676, Rank: 1
- Community Services of Venango County, Inc., PA0424-Sycamore Commons PSH project, $64,066, Rank: 2
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0304_Consolidated NWRHA, $321,577, Rank: 3
- Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program, Inc, Crawford County Shelter Plus Care, $189,543, Rank: 4
- Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program, Inc, PA0562 - CHAPS Fairweather Lodge, $21,033, Rank: 5
- Northern Cambria Community Development Corporation, PA0491 Chestnut Street Gardens Renewal Project Application FY2019, $54,129, Rank: 6
- Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program, Inc, PA0460 - CHAPS Family Housing, $47,318, Rank: 7
- Community Action, Inc. (*NOTE: This project is in process of being transferred to Clarion County Housing Authority), PA0310 - Housing for Homeless and Disabled Persons, $99,795, Rank: 8
- County of Butler, Human Services, PA0290 Path Transition Age Project, $97,610, Rank: 9
- Northern Cambria Community Development Corporation, PA0597 Clinton Street Gardens Renewal Project Application FY 2019, $70,708, Rank: 10
- Crawford County Coalition on Housing Needs, Inc, PA0496 - Liberty House Transitional Housing Program, $40,026, Rank: 11
- Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program, Inc, PA0495-Housing Now, $144,329, Rank: 12
- Warren-Forest EOC, PA0777 Youngsville Permanent Supportive Housing, $50,876, Rank: 13
- Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program, Inc, PA0308 - Crawford County Housing Advocacy Project, $93,531, Rank: 14
- County of Washington, PA0899 – HomeFIRST, $166,882, Rank: 15
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Inc., PA0616-Fayette Apartments, $111,389, Rank: 16
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Inc., PA0292-Lenox Street Apartments, $68,577, Rank: 17
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0718-Veterans RRH-LCSS, $61,074, Rank: 18
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Inc., PA0560-Fairweather Lodge Supportive Housing, $25,907, Rank: 19
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0425-Turning Point-LCSS, $240,808, Rank: 20
- County of Greene, PA0538 - Greene County Supportive Housing Project, $183,048, Rank: 21
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Inc., PA0846-Fayette County Rapid Rehousing, $66,853, Rank: 22
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Inc., PA0847-Southwest Regional Rapid Re-Housing Program Combined, $776,135, Rank: 23
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0775-TEAM RRH-LCSS, $77,812, Rank: 24
- Warren-Forest EOC, PA0897 Warren Permanent Supportive Housing, $55,721, Rank: 25
- CAPSEA, Inc., PA0311-Housing Plus, $130,149, Rank: 26
- Armstrong County Community Action Agency, PA0274 Armstrong County Permanent Supportive Housing Program, $130,946, Rank: 27
- County of Washington, PA0779 - Supportive Living, $100,540, Rank: 28
- County of Butler, Human Services, PA0287-HOPE Project, $190,944, Rank: 29
- Armstrong County Community Action Agency, PA0716 - Armstrong-Fayette Rapid Rehousing Program, $116,947, Rank: 30
- County of Washington, PA - 0903 HomeWISE, $239,856, Rank: 31
- County of Greene, PA0651 - Greene County Shelter + Care Project, $49,365, Rank: 32
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., PA0314-SAFE-LCSS, $40,634, Rank: 33
- Union Mission of Latrobe, Inc., PA0540 - Union Mission Permanent Supportive Housing, $192,464, Rank: 34
- Connect, Inc., PA0303 - Westmoreland Permanent Supportive Housing Expansion, $299,823, Rank: 35
- McKean County Redevelopment & Housing Authority, PA0778 Northwest RRH Combined, $478,929, Rank: 36
- County of Greene, PA0780 - Greene County Rapid Rehousing Project, $70,253, Rank: 37
- Victim Outreach Intervention Center, PA0280-2019 Renewal App-Voice-Enduring Voice, $347,338, Rank: 38
- County of Washington, PA0291 - Permanent Supportive Housing, $556,634, Rank: 41
- Connect, Inc., PA0904 - D.W.E.L., $274,055, Rank: 42
- Community Action, Inc. (*NOTE: This project is in process of being transferred to Clarion County Housing Authority), PA0320 - Transitional Housing Project, $66,101, Rank: 43
- County of Butler, Human Services, PA0539 - Home Again Butler County, $194,229, Rank: 44
- Armstrong County Community Action Agency, PA0776 - Rapid Rehousing Program of Armstrong County, $147,654, Rank: 45
- City Mission-Living Stones, Inc., PA0283 - Gallatin School Living Centre, $124,773, Rank: 46
- Indiana County Commumity Action Program, Inc. , PA0599 PHD Consolidated, $85,093, Rank: 47
- Housing Authority of the County of Butler Inc, PA0493 Franklin Court Chronically Homeless, $52,822, Rank: 49
- County of Washington, PA0900 – HomeTEAM, $189,661, Rank: 50
- Westmoreland Community Action, PA0679 - WCA PSH Pittsburgh Street House 2019, $118,121, Rank: 51
- Westmoreland Community Action, PA0600 - WCA Consolidated PSH and PSH-TA 2019, $234,746, Rank: 52
- DUBOIS HOUSING AUTHORITY, PA0458 DHA Shelter Plus Care 12345 2019 RenApp, $460,204, Rank: 53
- Community Connections of Clearfield/Jefferson Counties, PA0459 Housing First, $89,034, Rank: 54
- Cameron/Elk Counties Behavioral & Developmental Programs, PA0307-AHEAD, $79,079, Rank: 55
- Cameron/Elk Counties Behavioral & Developmental Programs, PA0670-Home Again, $145,960, Rank: 57
- County of Washington, PA0296 - Shelter plus care I, $215,863, Rank: 58
- Crisis Shelter of Lawrence County,PA0939 Crisis Shelter TH-RRH 2019, $217,966, Rank: 59
- Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, West CoC Regional DV RRH, $837,528, Rank: 60
- McKean County Redevelopment & Housing Authority, Northwest RRH 2, $129,638, Rank: 61
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, PA0428 Commonwealth of PA HMIS (PA-601) FY2019, $128,098, Rank: 62
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc. (*NOTE: This project is in process of being transferred to Fayette County Community Action Agency),PA0902_Consolidated Western CoC Coordinated Entry, $230,000, Rank: 63
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc. (*NOTE: This project is in process of being transferred to Fayette County Community Action Agency), PA0940-DV Coordinated Entry Capacity Funds, $95,884, Rank: 64
- Lawrence County Social Services, Inc. (*NOTE: This project is in process of being transferred to Fayette County Community Action Agency), PA-DV Coordinated Entry Integration, $95,884, Rank: 65
The following renewal projects have been accepted by the CoC and will be included in the Project Priority Listing submitted to HUD for an amount less than the Annual Renewal Amount indicated on the 2021 Grant Inventory Worksheet (partial reallocation):
- Westmoreland Community Action, PA0774 - WCA PSH for Families 2019, 2021 GIW Budget: $442,270; Approved Budget: $221,135, Rank: 56
The following project voluntarily reallocated and will not be submitted for renewal funding:
- County of Washington, PA0845 - Crossing Pointe (PSH), $149,127 (NOTE: County of Washington has requested to transition their existing PSH project to an RRH project. As such, they are voluntarily reallocating their existing PSH grant and will submit a new project application for the RRH project.)
The CoC considered nine new projects totaling $2,678,794 in funding. The CoC had a total of $569,547 in funding to award from the CoC Bonus, $221,135 in funding to award from reallocation, and $1,708,642 in funding to award from the DV Bonus.
The following new projects have been accepted for inclusion on the Project Priority List for CoC Bonus and/or reallocated funding:
- County of Washington, Washington County Rapid Rehousing One (Note: transition of existing PSH program to RRH program), $149,127, RANK: 39
- County of Washington, Washington County Rapid Rehousing Two, $110,215, RANK: 40
- Indiana County Community Action Program, PA0599 PHD Consolidated Expansion, $17,379, RANK: 48
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (DCED), PA0428 Commonwealth of PA HMIS (PA-601) Expansion, $104,214, RANK: 66
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, Western PA Coordinated Entry, $299,686, RANK: 67
- Fayette County Community Action Agency, PA0847-Southwest Regional Rapid Re-Housing Program Combined Expansion, $200,000, RANK: 68
- McKean County Redevelopment and Housing Authority, NAME TBD, $59,188, RANK: 69
The following new projects have been accepted for inclusion on the Project Priority List for DV Bonus funding:
- Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Western PA CoC Comprehensive DV RRH, Submitted Budget: $1,699,407; Awarded Budget: May apply for up to the full DV bonus amount of $1,708,642, RANK: 70
The following organizations submitted preliminary applications to the CoC, but were not selected for funding:
- The Housing Authority of the County of Butler, TH-RRH Project, Budget Request: $228,920, Reason for Decision: Project design not aligned with HUD requirements
If you have any questions, please contact