Content in 'Continuum of Care'

The CoC hosted a presentation of the 2022 Western PA CoC Gaps Analysis on 5/23/22. The 2022 gaps analysis was completed using Tableau data...
The CoC hosted a presentation of the 2022 Eastern PA CoC Gaps Analysis on 5/24/22. The 2022 gaps analysis was completed using Tableau data...
Below you will find the recording and PowerPoint materials used during the presentation for the Rapid Rehousing Learning Collaborative in session 3...
Eastern and Western CoC

Materials and recording from the 4/6 Fair Housing Training for the Eastern and Western PA CoCs can be found below: Recording:
The Western PA CoC's Governance and Policy Committee is releasing its annual revisions to the CoC's Governance Charter for review. Below you will find...
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22): CoC Application CoC Application - Attachments Priority List Notification to the CoC of Renewal and...
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22): CoC Application CoC Application - Attachments Priority List Notification to the Eastern PA CoC of...
The Western PA Continuum of Care is seeking proposals from nonprofit service providers and governmental agencies to implement projects to serve...
You can review the recorded session for the RRH Learning Collaborative Session - Part 1 through the link below. Meeting Recording: https://us06web...