Western PA CoC FY2022 CoC NOFA Competition
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22):
Notification to the CoC of Renewal and New Project Selection (FY22 CoC NOFO Competition): https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/notification-western-pa-coc-renewal-and-new-project-selection
NOFO Webinar: The CoC hosted a webinar on the FY22 CoC NOFO Competition for the Eastern/Western PA CoCs on 8/16/22. Materials can be found below:
Renewal Project Instructions: Renewal Project Instructions were sent out via email to existing CoC grantees on 8/16/22. This information is also posted on the CoC website here: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/western-pa-coc-renewal-project-application-instructionsimportant-info
New Project RFPs. New Project RFPs for 1) Annual CoC NOFO and 2) DV Bonus were released by the CoC on 8/12/22. New Project RFP Information can be found here: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/fy22-western-pa-coc-competition-rfp-new-projects
New Project Scoring Tools (for reference): The new project scoring tools that will be used by the CoC Funding Committee to evaluate new project applications can be downloaded here (Excel document). This includes scoring tools for the Annual CoC NOFO and DV Bonus NOFO (RRH, TH-RRH, and SSO-CE).
Timelines: FY2022 Renewal and New Project Timelines for Annual CoC NOFO can be found here: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/western-coc-important-information-and-timelines-related-hud-coc-nofo
NOFO Webinar:
A webinar to review the 2022 CoC Competition NOFO for the Eastern and Western PA CoCs will be held on Tuesday, August 16th from 1-3pm. You can join the webinar by registering at https://zoom.us/meeting/
The webinar will cover various issues related to this year’s CoC NOFO, including:
- An overview of the FY2022 CoC NOFO and HUD priorities
- Available funding, tiering and ranking
- Timelines for NOFO activities
- New projects options and process
- Renewal project application options and process
- E-snaps tips
- Appeals process
- Q&A
Target Audience: Current CoC grantees; Organizations interested in applying for new project funds; Any CoC partner who is interested in learning more about the FY2022 CoC NOFO
This webinar will be recorded and the link to access the recording will be posted to the CoC website and circulated via email as quickly as possible. If you are unable to attend the webinars, you may submit questions in advance using the email addresses below.
Questions or comments can be sent to westerncoc@pennsylvaniacoc.org
FY2022 Western PA CoC Renewal Scoring Webinar - 5/4/22
- Recording: https://youtu.be/35Qu3hvS8P0
- PPT Slides: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/sites/default/files/attachments/2022-05/Wes…
Western PA CoC FY2022 CoC Funding Process and Policies
Western PA CoC FY2022 Renewal Scoring Criteria