Western CoC

Western PA CoC FY2024 CoC NOFO Competition


10/8/2024: The CoC has published its notification to the Western PA CoC of Renewal and New Project Selection and Ranking for the FY24 CoC NOFO Competition. The full notification can be found here: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/western-pa-coc-renewal-and-new-project-selection-and-ranking


2024 CoC NOFO Webinar (8/13/24) - Recording and Slides


New Projects

New Project RFPs:

Update 8/22/24: The CoC is publishing a revised DV Bonus RFP, with the updated DV Bonus amount from HUD. On 8/22/24, HUD published the official DV Bonus amount for which the CoC can apply. The CoC has revised the DV Bonus RFP with this information. Revised sections are highlighted in yellow within the RFP. The revised RFP can be accessed at the link below and on the CoC website:

Revised DV Bonus RFP


Published August 5th, 2024: The Western PA Continuum of Care is releasing two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit new projects as part of the FY24 CoC Competition:

(1) New Project RFP – Annual CoC NOFO RFP
(2) Domestic Violence Bonus RFP

Preliminary Applications will be due by 12pm noon on Thursday, August 29th.

Full details and materials can be found here: https://pennsylvaniacoc.org/news/western-pa-coc-fy24-coc-competition-rfp-new-projects

This includes:

  • RFPs and links to apply
  • Hard copy of applications for reference
  • Budget template
  • Copy of scoring tools that will be used by Funding Committee to score applications (for reference)
    • These are also linked at the bottom of this page


New Project Training:
The Eastern/Western PA CoCs hosted a 2-part new project training series on 4/16/24 and 4/18/24, for any organization interested in learning more about applying for CoC funds. Materials from the trainings can be found below:


NOFO Webinar Announcement

A webinar to review the 2024 CoC Competition NOFO for the Eastern and Western PA CoCs will be held on Tuesday, August 13th from 9am-11am. You can join the webinar by registering at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqdOygrjkuG9RweubhOzuI3sxvEQSfb7cK.

The webinar will cover various issues related to this year’s CoC NOFO, including:

  • An overview of the FY2024 CoC NOFO and HUD priorities
  • Important updates to the FY24 NOFO process
  • Available funding, tiering and ranking
  • Timelines for NOFO activities
  • New projects options and process
  • Renewal project application options and process
  • E-snaps tips
  • Appeals process
  • Q&A

Target Audience: Current CoC grantees; Organizations interested in applying for new project funds; Any CoC partner who is interested in learning more about the FY2024 CoC NOFO.
This webinar will be recorded and the link to access the recording will be posted on this page following the webinar.



Renewal Projects

Renewal Project Applications in E-Snaps:

All renewal project applications (existing CoC grantees) must be submitted to the CoC by August 29, 2024 at 5pm. Full instructions and timelines were sent out via email to all existing CoC grantees on 8/7/24. If you did not receive the instructions or have any questions, please email: westerncoc@pennsylvaniacoc.org


Renewal Scoring:

CoC renewal projects will submit data required for the annual CoC renewal scoring process by Thursday, May 23rd. Full instructions for renewal projects were sent to CoC grantees via email on 5/2/24. The CoC hosted a webinar for CoC grantees on 5/2/24 to review the renewal scoring criteria and process. Materials linked below: 

FY2024 Western PA CoC Renewal Scoring Webinar - 5/2/24:


2024 Renewal Scoring Criteria (Approved 3/15/24):


2024 CoC Funding Policies (Approved 3/20/24): 