Content in 'Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)'

The CoC hosted a Special NOFO Rural Set Aside Office Hours Session on Friday, August 19th from 10am-11am to provide a high-level overview of the...
The Western PA Continuum of Care is releasing two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit new projects as part of the FY22 CoC Competition: (1) New...
The Eastern PA Continuum of Care is releasing a Consolidated RFP package which includes three Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit new projects as...
Eastern PA Notification to the CoC of New Project Selection - Special NOFO Rural Set Aside (released September 22, 2022):
Attention CoC Partners: Important information and timelines related to HUD CoC NOFOs – Annual CoC Competition and Special NOFO to address unsheltered...
Attention CoC Partners: Important information and timelines related to HUD CoC NOFOs – Annual CoC Competition and Special NOFO to address unsheltered...
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22): CoC Application CoC Application - Attachments Priority List Notification to the CoC of Renewal and...
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22): CoC Application CoC Application - Attachments Priority List Notification to the Eastern PA CoC of...
The Eastern PA CoC is soliciting Preliminary Applications from agencies interested in applying for new projects as part of the FY21 CoC Competition...
The Western PA CoC is soliciting Preliminary Applications from agencies interested in applying for new projects as part of the FY21 CoC Competition...