The Western PA Continuum of Care is releasing two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit new projects as part of the FY22 CoC Competition: (1) New...
The Eastern PA Continuum of Care is releasing a Consolidated RFP package which includes three Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to solicit new projects as...
Eastern PA Notification to the CoC of New Project Selection - Special NOFO Rural Set Aside (released September 22, 2022):
Attention CoC Partners: Important information and timelines related to HUD CoC NOFOs – Annual CoC Competition and Special NOFO to address unsheltered...
Attention CoC Partners: Important information and timelines related to HUD CoC NOFOs – Annual CoC Competition and Special NOFO to address unsheltered...
Final CoC Application Submitted to HUD (9/30/22): CoC Application CoC Application - Attachments Priority List Notification to the CoC of Renewal and...